Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sometimes Victoria is so silly!

First off, I should apologize for my pessimism of late. Whining is no fun for anyone. Except maybe the whiner. Anyway, I apologize and will attempt to refrain from such childishness for . . . a while at least.

That said, I should also mention that my good friend EJ and several others have managed to persuade me that the snow isn't all bad. I've even made some observations about the effects of said snow on my fair town. I am convinced that only in Victoria:
  • does eight inches of snow shut down the entire city for a full day
  • can you observe someone scraping snow off their car . . . with a kayak paddle
  • does removing snow from the street mean piling it up two feet deep on the sidewalk
  • do you see more adults frolicking in the snow than children
  • does the front page of the paper feature scores of excited sledders, and the news turn into an hour-long weather report
Victoria is so funny. Anyone have anything to add to the list? The same probably goes for all you Vancouverites also, but at least you have more than two snow plows. I wonder when I'll be allowed to drive again . . .


EJ said...

only in Victoria does nobody own a sled, nor is anybody aware of the best sledding locations in their neighbourhood.

julie anna said...

still haven't found one, eh?

Mel said...

gARBADGE bAG DUCT-TAPED TIGHTLY TO AZ BUNCH OF CARDBOARD. ops caps lock. --> If you don't have a sled you should get a big garbadge bag and put a folded up big card-board box inside of it ND THAN DUCT TAPE IT CLOSED. i DID IT YESTERDAY AND IT WORKED GREAT!!!!ahh gosh caps lock again!

EJ said...

not a bad plan. I did discover that I have a crazy carpet though. and I think Mt. Tolmie must have some kind of clear-ish area for sledding.

Purfumed Fairy said...

you know... those plastic billboards from stores make awesome sleds, so just go steal one from a store... hee hee... fun times!

Mel said...

Oh wait I have a good one, I saw it twice today!!

Only in Victoria/The Lowermainland do you see 2 different people in 1 day trying to get rid of the snow on their driveway with a rake! Seriously! People in ladner don't own snow showels, hahah just rakes. Although I have to give it to them because we would normaly be raking up our leaves around this time-lol-

Anonymous said...

hehehe I like it.

EJ said...

Thats funny... because my yard has so many leaves in the fall that sometimes I push them to the curb with our snow shovel. Well, the best technique it to rake first, but once you find the waist-high piles of leaves surrounding you overwhelming, its time for the shovel. Now ask me how to shovel snow, and I can't give you any good techniques.