Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sometimes my big brother is amazing!

Robby just read me his first ever poem, and I was completely blown away!!! It's inspired by a book that I got him for his birthday, called Confessions of an Economic Hitman. I wish I could put the whole thing up here, but I didn't ask him for permission, so I likely shouldn't do that. I just wanted everyone to know how proud I am of my big brother!

And, even more exciting: his mystery girlfriend is coming to visit in less than two weeks! I guess she's not that much of a mystery since he never stops talking about her, but none of us have met her yet. So that should be good fun. Anyone have any good ideas about how I can embarrass him? Besides bringing out all the photographic proof that he never wore a single pair of pants before the age of six...

Oh, I just can't wait!

1 comment:

g. mango said...

excellent book.

also, i think the pantless wonder photos will be enough of an embarrassment.