Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sometimes It's Too Hot

Today it was 33 degrees outside. And I played soccer. For an hour and a half. At one point I pushed too hard and my knees gave out and I did a face plant. That was embarrassing.

I got so hot by the end of the game that my friends actually convinced me to jump in Trout Lake. Something I swore I'd never do and am tempted to deny ever having done. Sick sick sick. But it felt good good good. And I saw a bunch of my favourite UP kids who were swimming too. So all in all it worked out pretty well.

Does soccer ever not turn out well?

I think not.


Zed said...

Soccer is most definitely the best sport in the world and we all know it.

So you got your wisdom teeth out?? And it's going ok?

Mel said...

JULIE!!!! What's your phone number? Can you e-mail it to me!!!! and YEY, I went biking today for a few hours, so hot, but I think it's like soccer, biking always turns out good! But oh wow, it was hot today!

julie anna said...

Wisdom teeth are no problem! One day of misery and I've been pretty much fine ever since. Not nearly as bad as I'd expected.