Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sometimes I Just Know

Today was my first real teaching experience.

I loved it.

Love love love love love.

I just know this is what I want to do with my life. I can't wait to really get started.


Anonymous said...

yayayayay! That's so exciting

Mel said...

Yay! heheh you know what, When I cleaned my room before I left for NZ, I came across a bullitin board full of pictures from you...heheh one of them was "Melissa" and the other "Dotto" and the other was a garden painted picture that you made with Laures, and I remember thinking to myself "Julie is deffinately a teachyer, even in her spare time she does teacherish stuff" Hummm.that story wasn't quite as interesting as it origionaly sounded in my head, but the main point is that I Your totaly teacher material!

Anonymous said...

What? Julie a teacher? Who would have thought :P

g. mango said...

i think you can count all that teaching you did at camp peace, too.

and also, all the teaching you do everytime there is a teachable moment in anyone's life. you know, graeme, chantelle, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, etc.

you were born to teach.