Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sometimes I can't tell.

Sometimes I can't tell whether my employer is tricky or confused. For example: my schedule for January was given to me on January 9 (when I returned from the vdot). Tonight, she decided to give me a heads up for the first bit of February. On the piece of paper she handed me was my schedule from now until February 6. I work every day from now until forever (some days I'm working twice).

I am especially working every time any of the following occur at my church:
a) student dinner
b) sunday school
c) church service
d) Bible study
e) anything else geared towards young adults.

She's my pastor. Isn't she supposed to encourage me to engage in fellowship???

So anyway, I'm not sure if she knows she added a million and one dates to the original schedule and just didn't want to say anything, or if she's just forgetful and confused. Either way, I'm frustrated. I really thought I was going to be able to go to Bible study this week.

I officially quit my hopeful thinking and resign to a life of school and work and nothing else.

I want to cry.


Zed said...


I just realized that I don't have your email address. Or at least I can't find it at the moment. What is it again?

julie anna said...

Zed, I will get your address from and I'll email you. That way I don't have to give my email to the whole wide internet.

Anonymous said...

aw, I'm sorry Julipe.

I know you don't like confrontation... but maybe you need to express your feelings... set limits?

And I wish you could come to bible study this week too. I think you would like our topic. or benefit from it. or be able to offer incite to it. or something.

g. mango said...

what's the topic this week?