Thursday, November 24, 2005

Sometimes I Just Can't See It.

I've had enough of this world.

Now don't get scared, I'm not hinting at suicide or anything like it, I'm just simply sick of the pain. Not even my own pain. It's just, so many people are depressed, abused, suicidal, angry, alone. . .the list goes on, and that's just covering my close friends.

And what do I do with it all? I know I can't fix anything, but I long to be able to provide some sort of relief. Some sort of comfort. Where is this hope that's supposed to exist? How do I find it, and how do I help my hurting friends feel it? Where is Jesus in all of this? How do I cast these burdens on Him instead of carrying them for myself? I want to save the world but I know that's not my job.

I know the hope exists. I've caught glimpses of it, heard of its healing powers, but sometimes. . .sometimes I just can't see it.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Julie...................HEHEH Oh I've been wanting to pull this out of the "Old Kaleo Sayings" Closet, adn now seems like a good time.Ready for it


heheh and now to eloberatite on it

All your friends who also love Jesus are going to Heaven too! whoot whoot!

Ok, this was said in Melissa style, so all theological holes and why this not applicable ect. needn't be pointed out. It's just a way of pointing our some hope!

Ohhh and if that doesn't work you can try this one!

"AND RAPTURE" you have to make the motion with your hands, as if your on a movie set, you know the motion? Maby this will work for you....funy thing it has never worked for me, but that's obvious cuz were all still here, I wonder if there'll be Blogs after the rapture............hahahah

Oh gosh, this is a long post, the problem is I talk so fast that what I say in 10 secconds takes up as much typing space as anyone else who talks for 10 secconds

Ok I'll let you go now, Yarrr....I just totaly broke the unwritten Blogger Code, you know the one? The one tht says that a comment should never be longer than the origional post!

hahah ! Sorry about that friend!

Ouch! My thumbs are blistered from Mario! Ahh I love life!

Oh right!

Bye Friend!