Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Sometimes I am an idiot.

I am an idiot. A technologically challenged idiot. And apparently this fact produces rather amusing results.

Last night, after waking up from a deep sleep to talk to a good friend (and nearly falling back asleep whilst talking to her) I attempted to send a quick (and perhaps slightly incriminating) email before going back to bed. I typed up a little message, put in the first couple of letters of her name on the "to:" line, and gmail did the rest for me. Oh gmail, wonderful gmail, how I love your quick and easy methods of addressing emails.

Unfortunately, in my half-awakeness, I failed to pay attention to the name that showed up at the top of the screen until just after I clicked on "send". Suddenly I realised that the person to whom I'd sent it was not the friend I wanted to email, but someone else with a similar name. And not just anyone else, but the administrator at my old work! I tried in vain to stop the email from sending (ie. yelled "stop! stop!" and bounced up and down a little) but send it did. But don't worry, I wasn't embarrassed. Mortified, maybe, but not embarrassed. Thankfully, it turns out she found the whole thing rather funny. . .I'm just hoping she didn't broadcast it to everyone at the office. Sigh. . .

In other news . . .

I'm working every evening this week. Tonight I'm working twice. And I have a large assignment due tomorrow that I've barely started. At least I'll be rich by the end of this week! Well. . .less poor anyway. Oh the life of a student.


g. mango said...

umm. . . actually, she did broadcast it.

julie anna said...

dang...I thought she might.

Anonymous said...

that is a very embarassing story. I'm surprised that you told us.