Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sometimes I Just Want to Sleep.

I am having an extremely hard time motivating myself this semester. I don't really know what's wrong. I've got lots of time (but not too much) for homework, I really enjoy my classes and find them interesting, but for the life of me I just can't make myself sit down and get things done. All I ever want to do is nap. Or sleep in. Or both.

Even when I get myself out of bed I'm really good at finding other, less productive things to do. Seriously, why can't I just be motivated and dedicated and all those great things that a student is supposed to be? This is so ridiculous.

Maybe I should just go back to bed.


g. mango said...

maybe you need a restful vacation. some time to recharge and hang out with the people you love.

and because i am such a goodfriend, i will arrange for that to happen. how's saturday night at your mom's place?

julie anna said...

I look forward to it! Hoorah for long weekends!

Zed said...

Julie, I am so glad to have found someone else who is going through the same thing! This whole year I have been ridiculous. I won't even tell you what marks I'm getting it's that bad. I feel for you.

And really, who wants to write a paper when you can nap?