Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sometimes it's just ho-hum.

Here I am, halfway through my first day of school, and I pretty much feel like I never left. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just interesting. I actually think I'm going to really like my classes this semester, even if I don't particularly like the times in which I have to take them.

As for my instructors: so far I have one spastic chalkboard writer from whom I know I'm going to learn many new words, and one young dad from whom I know I'm going to hear many baby/toddler stories. Both seem very interested in their subjects, and sincerely intent on making us interested in their subjects. This is a very promising beginning.

In other news, I put my back out this morning. How, you ask? Well. . .I coughed. That's right. I, a spry 21-year-old, put my back out by coughing. It's not a problem while I'm sitting, but every time I get up and attempt to walk, I find myself hunched over like a little old lady and grimacing with all I've got. I have to say, it's quite the attractive sight. So let's just hope that this lets up before I need to chase small children around for several hours tomorrow, shall we?


Zed said...

What are your class hours? Early mornings? And what is this job? After school program? So many questions...

julie anna said...

No, sadly, I would love to have early morning classes. Instead, I have class Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-9:30pm. Totally not my cup of tea. And yes, I'm working at after school program. Good times.

g. mango said...

dear julie anna,

please post something. geesh.

