Monday, October 31, 2005

Sometimes I Hate School

I hate school. Today, I really hate school. And I would do anything to avoid it, but there it is. Threatening me, reminding me that if I miss another day of my French class I may as well drop it. Maybe that's what I'll do. Just drop it and take some internet course for those credits.

After all, what's the point? I feel like I'm back in high school. The courses I'm taking are so useless and the people I'm taking them with are painfully juvenile. Not that I'm so grown up myself, but sometimes I get tired of listening to endless stories of drinking binges and parties. Isn't there ever anything else for them to talk about?

Ok, the bitterness train needs to be stopped and that needs to happen right now. Besides, it's time for me to go to school. Seriously, five more years of this? Good thing I hate school.

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