Monday, March 26, 2007

Sometimes I eat too much.

This past weekend involved more food than I ever thought anyone could consume in three days, and it shall continue tonight. I'm pretty sure I consume more food around my birthday than I do over the Christmas holidays. Anyone wanna join a gym with me on March 27th?

On the plus side, all the food was accompanied by much merriment.

And giant Kinder Surprise toys.

AND, to top everything off, yesterday I had my first picnic of the spring. It made me very happy. I'm hoping it will be a start to a season of many picnics and beaches. Because those kinds of things are what make life grand.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sometimes makes me smile.

My good friend and I are both wretchedly ill today, and we have spent much time both talking to one another and desperately trying to find ways to entertain ourselves in our own homes. Here is one of the products of her boredom:

A drawring, courtesy of G.Mango Publications

Friday, March 09, 2007

Sometimes I'm a little unstable, though

Agree or disagree?

You Are 9: The Peacemaker

You are emotionally stable and willing to find common ground with others.

Your friends and family often look to you to be the mediator when there is conflict.

You are easy going and accepting. You take things as they come.

Avoding conflict at all costs, you're content when things are calm.

I think this is at least somewhat true. Though maybe not so much the emotionally stable part...

I'd be curious to know what all the other numbers are.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Sometimes it's time to celebrate!

I am officially accepted into the Elementary Education Professional Degree Program starting September 2007!!!! Hoorah!!!!

AND tomorrow I'm off to the vdot (yes, again) to see a play on Granville Island for free! Then my good friend is coming back here for a few days of fun.

Now if I can just shake this plague I seem to have contracted, all will be well with the world!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sometimes I get impatient.

I'm at a place right now where I'm full of passion and excitement for what my life is going to be five years from now (I hope), and full of impatience and frustration for what my life is at the moment. In my spare time I daydream about lesson plans and foster parenting, and I can't seem to focus on anything to do with French or History.

The unfortunate thing is that I have to get through the French and the History to get to the teaching and parenting. That is so frustrating to me.

And also frustrating is the fact that I know this attitude doesn't get anyone anywhere. But I can't seem to figure out how to get myself excited about now. Because now is not where I wanna be.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sometimes I can't stand school.

I just wrote a paper (of sorts) on Mrs Dalloway.

I am tempted to title it "Talking out of my ass, with Julie Anna as your host" What do you think my instructor would do? I would so like to find out.

In other news, once I get through this first run of papers (the last one is due Tuesday), it will officially be reading break! Hoorah! That means that I'm off to the vdot again, this time for a play on Granville Island, and some good catching-up time with one who has been far away for far too long.

I am so excited! Hopefully that incentive will help me to get everything done that needs to be done before then. Because I seem to have misplaced my willpower somewhere. Has anyone seen it? I would greatly appreciate getting it back. Assuming I ever had one in the first place, that is.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sometimes Jeopardy makes me smile.

A quote from a Jeopardy clue today:

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to."
-Dorothy Parker

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sometimes it's grrrreat!

Life is so good right now!! And it's so good for no particular reason, which is the best kind of good, if you ask me.

Tonight, it was even still light out when I came home from work! Spring has sprung!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Somtimes I need to (bum bum) get away

I am currently in the vdot, and it is sunny and wonderful. I really do miss this place sometimes.

So far I've:
  • had a surprise visit (and sleepover) with one of my youth
  • been woken up early by the sound of blaring bagpipes (a recording) and yelling boys (not a recording)
  • gone for a solitary, sun-filled stroll on the Drive
  • run into one of my kids from the summer, her mom, and a new baby sister!
  • shopped at Ten Thousand Villages
  • eaten a pulled-pork sandwich
Still to come:
  • a cursory glance at Missions Fest 2007
  • more sunny strolling
  • curling up with a good book at JJBean
  • an Imax performance of Happy Feet
  • a service at my Vancouver church
  • more hanging out with aforementioned youth
  • general merriment
It's early yet, but I predict that this weekend as a whole will be a tremendous success, and a wonderful break from the ordinary. And also an incredible drain on the wallet. But it's well worth it!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sometimes I'm saddened.

I love reading. I have always loved reading. In fact, the only two elements of my dream house that have never changed and will never change are a large bathtub (for reading in) and a library with large fireplace and big comfy chairs (also for reading in).

That's why it saddens me that this semester is killing my love of reading. I'm being forced to read so much (oh my goodness, SO MUCH) that I can't seem to read for enjoyment anymore. And I'm realizing that there really aren't that many other great ways to relax.

Help me, please! I don't want to lose my love of reading!

Sigh...stupid school.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sometimes I'm silly

Burnt my finger on a toaster at work today. Oh the perils of childcare.

Actually, I also put my back out on Monday on account of too much throwing the children around. Perhaps I should be checking in with WCB about these injuries at some point.

Or maybe I should just be a little more careful.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sometimes people don't get it.

Migraines suck. Holy crap, do they suck!

And so few people understand this. So few people realize that there is a difference between a headache and a migraine. But let me tell you, until you have been reduced to spending the better part of a night curled in the fetal position whimpering, and then an entire day fighting nausea and dizziness, you have no idea what this is like.

Also, my job is probably not the best one to have while fighting the after-effects of a migraine. And yet, I still can't complain, because I still love my job! Hoorah! I'm hoping this never gets old, because it is so wonderful to enjoy going to work again. It's been a long time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sometimes tired is good.

And this is certainly a good tired.

  • 7:30-9:15 Student Breakfast
  • 9:30-12:30 School
  • 2:00-6:00 Work (including much child-tossing and tug o' warring)
  • 8:30-9:30 Aqua Fit
  • 9:30-11:00 Hanging out with Amber and Lizzy (hot tub, tea and cookies, Skip-bo)
Not a bad day, I'd say. Prediction: best sleep ever tonight!

I'm off to test my hypothesis. Bonne nuit!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sometimes it needs to be just me.

I'm all peopled out.

As much as I really, honestly, truly love all the wonderful people in my life, I can only spend so much time with them all before I start to really need some time to myself. I suppose that would be the introvert in me that I just can't seem to shake.

And it's funny how your mind seems to just kick into self-preservation mode when you don't take care of yourself the way you know you ought to. Tonight, for instance, I spent a few hours with some of my favourite people in the world, and found myself detaching to the point that I pretty much felt like I was just watching them all on tv. It was probably the most peaceful feeling I've had in a while. Perhaps that's a sign.

Unfortunately, I have yet to find myself a sanctuary to which I can escape when my life and house are full of those I love. Ordinarily I would find myself walking in the woods or on the beach, but at the moment it's too frickin' freezing!!! I don't even have the slightest clue as to where I can go just to be by myself for a while. Anyone have any suggestions? I will gladly pay you later*.

* author reserves the right to define the terms "pay" and "later". Please do not get your hopes up, as author is naught but a poor student in need of help. She will, however, love you forever in the event that you are able to aid her with the aforementioned predicament. Author also reserves the right to define the terms "love" and "forever".

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Sometimes it just takes me a while

I finally did it! I bought a scooter! Let the geekiness commence.

I'm loving this. Pictures to come soon.