Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sometimes I've Had Enough.

I am so ready to be back in my own home. Or maybe to have my own house altogether. With no one else. And my own bathroom. And bedroom.

The introvert has arrived.

Sometimes Rain is Great

I love rainy Sunday afternoons. There's just something so calming about coming home after church, changing into sweats, and curling up with a good book. it!

Also, I've started to play the harmonica! I bought one in White Rock yesterday and am now determined to become a brilliant harmonica-ist. Or something. I love it, cuz it's about the geekiest thing this side of an accordian, and it's much cheaper. So here I go! Anyone have any good harmonica tips?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sometimes there's not enough time to blog.

Funny how when there's nothing to say, one has time to blog endlessly, and yet when so much is happening, there is no chance to share it with loved ones. Yeesh.

Here is a rundown of the last week or so:
  • got really sick, spent an entire weekend sleeping
  • experienced that crucial day when everything at program just clicked - everyone knew what was going on and what they should be doing, and everyone was enjoying themselves
  • took some kids to a Whitecaps game, where we saw Steve Nash
  • realized in a panic that three of the six weeks of camp are over
  • tried to help out a family who's involved with UP, and had an experience I probably shouldn't broadcast to the whole internet, but would love to share with you the next time I see you
  • started a new book, which is rather superficial, but good for summer reading
  • took some kids to the Steve Nash Foundation Charity Classic at GM Place, where we saw Steve Nash
  • shamelessly pretended to have numerous connections to both Steve Nash and Nelly Furtado (they are both from my hometown, you know. And Nelly's dad did all the rock work in our back yard)
  • randomly ran into friends from home at church
  • played with the cutest three year old
  • held an adorable two month old boy
  • hung out with my brother, missed the rest of my family, and realized how much no one ever tells you when you're the baby of the family
  • cursed the heat
  • wished I had my own bathroom. . .or maybe my own house altogether
  • dreaded tomorrow, the eleven hour work day
  • wore a skirt for an entire day (this has never been done before!)
  • wrote a long list of everything I did, which no one in their right minds would actually finish reading
Ok, that's it for now. I apologize for the lack of interesting tidbits, but at least I got something out there. Here's hoping I'll get better at this over the next three weeks. And here's knowing that I won't.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sometimes It's Impossible

Balance? What's that? And how do you get it?

Camp's going really well, and I'm having a blast, but there doesn't seem to be much life outside of camp. But I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

On a brighter note, today is free slurpee day (since it's the seventh month and the eleventh day) and my roomies and I are about to set out on a city-wide 7-11 tour. Last year we went to about five different stores. . .I think we're planning on even more this year. We got a head start last night at 1am when we went for a preview trip. I really wonder why I never knew about this before last year. Go figure.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sometimes it's not at all what you expect.

Today I worked from 7:30am till 6pm. It was fun, but oh boy was it chaotic.

As for my program, well...we had five kids and nine leaders. Not that this is going to be the norm, but as it was technically a holiday and also the first day of camp, attendance was down.

So basically I had to revamp everything that I've been planning for the past month. And I forgot to buy fruit.

And yet, despite the disastrous start, I feel pretty good. I had fun, and I have faith that things are going to pick up. Also, I don't start work until ten tomorrow. So that helps.

Here we go again...