Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sometimes Mathematical Language is So Excessive

The following is one of the topics on my math exam outline:

"Provide the solution in parametric form of the augmented matrix in row-reduced form of a system of linear equations with infinitely many solutions, then show by an example how this can be used to generate specific solutions."

The most ridiculous thing to me is that this is one of the easiest questions on the exam. It will likely take me less time to do the question than it did to type it out. As much as I enjoy math most of the time (I know, I know, I'm a geek) things like this are just too much for me.

In other news, I'm having a fight with someone over a Wikipedia article. For some reason they insist on slandering my grandfather (as if he needs any more of that) with the same false information that was used against him thirty years ago. I can not even explain how angry it makes me when they talk about it as though it was fact. Sometimes I walk away from the computer shaking with anger, and there's nothing I can do about it.

However, I am convinced that I can out-stubborn anyone anywhere, and I will continue to remove the false information until the other guy gives up. And I spend a lot of time on the computer. So there.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sometimes My Dad Can Really Redeem Himself.

Ok, so as much as he can be hurtful and make ridiculous and immature decisions sometimes, I have to admit that I will never be able to doubt that my dad loves me.

Now if only I can remember that the next time I come home from his house in tears.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sometimes Youth Leaders Are Crazy

Tonight is the night of our Junior Youth Awake-A-Thon. That's right, we're rewarding pre-teens for every hour they manage to stay awake. Crazy? Yes. Completely and absolutely.

Even more crazy is the fact that I didn't manage to find an excuse to be away from youth group tonight. And that I'm leaving straight from the church tomorrow to pick up one G.Mango from the ferry. Let's all pray I don't run into a median like I almost did last time I made that drive on very little sleep.

On the plus side, after the perilous drive and (hopefully) a good nap, I get to go downtown and get a massage! I can not even tell you how excited I am about this. I've never had a real massage before and I so can not wait!

Hoorah for massages! Boo for staying up all night.

I am so old.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sometimes Boys are Useful.

We really need a boy in this house sometimes. I just found a GIANT spider in the bathroom and Ashley and I got in a big argument over who had to deal with it. In the end we decided on my mom, but she wasn't willing to help, seeing as she was on the phone. So I dealt with it. By closing the door and walking away.

Does anyone have a shower I can use for the next few days? Mine seems to be occupied.

Sometimes a Person Needs to do What's Best to Preserve Their Sanity

But it sucks when what's best will also make you poor.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sometimes My Mom Is Such A Kid

Tonight I went bowling with my mom and Ingrid and Aly. I don't know how long it's been since my mom bowled, but she didn't even remember how the game worked. It was quite amusing. She got a grand total of 60 on the first game. But then, that beats Ingrid's 17.

My Mom on strikes:
  • "Look what I got!! Look! Look!" (shouted while jumping up and down and pointing at the screen which proclaimed her name above a giant X)
  • "Hey, I got two of those this game!"
  • "The only thing about strikes is that you only get to throw one ball." (picture a disappointed frown and furrowed brow)
She really is the perfect elementary school teacher. However, I guess she did have a reason to be in a good mood tonight. Because after a day filled with CT scans, ultrasounds and neurological testing at the hospital, my mom is officially stroke-free!! Hoorah!

Also, I just got home to a letter from my school containing a cheque for $200! That means I am now debt-free and able to start saving for next semester! Yipee skippee!

After a slightly shaky start, today has shaped up to be not so bad after all. I like that. Now if I can just make it through the rest of this week.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sometimes I Can't Handle It.

Ok, what is with all the weddings this summer? In August:

Allie and Paul
Michelle and Mike (Ok, it's just their reception, but I'm not so sure I can afford to go to the wedding in the Dominican Republic in July)
Shawn and Emma
Jenny and Michael
Justin and Margaret

Five weddings in a month! What's up with that? I'm obviously not going to be able to go to them all, and I'm not entirely sure how to go about choosing. Though I should probably wait to be invited to all of them first...

I'm just very glad that the majority of them are at least a few years older than me. Otherwise this would be way too scary.

Weddings. Yeesh.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sometimes My Inner Thesaurus is Broken

Ever write a thousand word paper that you swear has only six different words in it? That's where I'm at now.

I feel like I could do a better job of this in French. And that's really sad.

Anyone feel like writing a paper on gender roles in Canada in the 1920s?

Sometimes I Love My Brother

Actually, these days I often love him. Today I love him for two reasons. (Besides the fact that he's my brother and I hafta):

First, he's working for me tonight, which means I can stay home and finish up these papers and things.

Second, I just made him go grocery shopping with me and we had so much fun! I really love hanging out with him. We always have such a blast!

Hoorah for big brothers!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sometimes I Need to Lift My Eyes Up

1) So, directly after the last post I walked up to UVic for my choir practice. I was about half way there when I smelled one of my favourite smells in the world. I looked up, and lo and behold, there was a cherry tree in full blossom! I glanced around and realized that all the cherry trees were blossoming. Not only that, but they were even starting to get their leaves, which means they've been blossoming for quite some time and I never even noticed!!! How is that even possible? Cherry blossom time is one of my most favourite times of year and I almost missed it! I have been way too busy with school and work this year. Way too busy.

2) I'm taking the day off of classes and work tomorrow to write papers. Is that counter-productive? I hope not.

17c) I took Aly to play on the playground of my old elementary school tonight. I found it very interesting that things I could do without hesitation at the age of ten scared the crap out of me tonight. Apparently I can no longer run along the top of the monkey bars or flip off the high bar. Strange how that is.

3) I just saw three guys cycling down the road. Two on bikes and one on a unicycle. Is that normal?

q) My kids from UrbanPromise are coming this weekend! I am so excited! Also, does anyone have a sleeping bag they want to lend them for Saturday and Sunday night?

last one) I need to take a break from life. Wilderness trip, anyone?

Sometimes School Is So Uplifting

Today at school I learned about:

a) child abuse and maltreatment
b) the depression
c) the salem witch trials
d) BC's Japanese internment camps

I am so ready to quit society.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sometimes I'm Too Easily Distracted

My school finally has wireless internet! Hoorah!

Ok, so maybe it's not so good on the homework front, but hoorah for being able to be distracted by msn wherever I go! And I don't even have to buy a five dollar bowl of soup anymore! Life is good.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Sometimes I Love Books.

I'm reading Life of Pi right now, and I'm quite pleasantly surprised by how much I like it. It's definitely a new way of looking at things, some of which I agree with and some of which I do not...but it's nice to get a new perspective.

Here's one of my favourite quotes as of yet:

Having just explained why animals in a zoo (such as the one owned by his father) likely experience far more freedom than animals in the wild, Pi has this to say:

"But I don't insist. I don't mean to defend zoos. Close them all down if you want (and let us hope that what wildlife that remains can survive in what is left of the natural world). I know zoos are no longer in people's good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both."

Yeah, I like this book.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sometimes Lent is Great!

I know this isn't really the point of it, but Lent sure makes you realize how much time (slash money slash energy etc) you waste on stupid things through most of the year. Also, it can make you very productive.

Makes me wonder what else I should give up to improve my
life. . .there's something to ponder.